

  • Teachers Retirement System of Georgia (TRS)
  • Public School Retirement System of Georgia (PSERS)
You will find information on both listed in the below sections.


Did you viewed the attachment in the appropriate section below to see if you are ready for retirement?  If so, please schedule a time to meet with the Benefits Coordinator. Please click here to find a time that you can come in.

Related Documents:

Lincoln Financial 403b Universal Availability Notice

Teachers Retirement System of Georgia (TRS)

All employees who are scheduled to work 20 hours or more per week and at least half or more of the working days of a month in a covered position are required to be members of TRS. Covered positions include teachers, administrators, supervisors, clerical workers, paraprofessionals, nurses, child nutrition managers and child nutrition bookkeepers.

For the current year, participants will contribute 6% of regular earnings to the plan. CCPS contributes 19.98% of your earnings to TRS on your behalf each month.

Important-- Designate You Beneficiaries:
You will receive information from TRS instructing you to register your account online and name your beneficiaries.  Wills, divorce decrees, remarriages, etc., do not determine the settlement of your TRS account.

For more details, please refer to the TRS website at

For more information click below
Teacher Retirement System of Georgia (TRS)

Are you ready for retirement?  Click here to see.

Public School Employees Retirement System (PSERS)

Employees who are benefits eligible and are not eligible for TRS must establish membership in PSERS. The employees include bus drivers, child nutrition workers, maintenance, mechanics, custodians, and bus monitors. No employee can be a member of both PSERS and TRS at the same time.

Participants hired on or after 7/1/2012 will contribute $10.00 per month to the plan. Participants hired before that date continue to contribute $4.00 per month to the plan.

You will receive information from PSERS instructing you to register your account online and name your beneficiaries.

For more details, please refer to the PSERS website at

Click below for more information
 Public School Employee Retirement System (PSERS)

Are you ready for retirement?  Click here to see.

Supplemental Retirement Benefit 403 (b) Plan for PSERS Employees

Employees who are in the PSERS system are enrolled in the 403(b) plan. CCPS will put 3% of your base salary into an account with Lincoln Financial on your behalf. Also, employees have the option to contribute to the plan with a voluntary deduction.