Instructional Materials

The purpose of the instructional materials program is to provide a process and timeline for the adoption of instructional materials of the highest quality. The process is as follows:

Locally Approved Instructional Materials
Catoosa County Schools maintains a chart of locally approved instructional materials and content. The course number and identification number are also included. (Please Click Here to Access the Instructional Materials Chart)

System Instructional Materials Committee
Each year, school principals will assign an appropriate certificated school chairperson to represent their school during the adoption process. After sample materials have arrived at the system, school chairpersons will meet to review the materials and narrow the selections to a manageable number. The recommended number of selections is three.

School Instructional Materials Committee
After the number of materials have been reduced, school committees will review the materials and rank them in order of preference.

Recommendation to the Catoosa County Board of Education
After all schools have ranked the materials, the school chairpersons will meet to finalize the recommendation to be made to the LEA and the board of Education.

Public Display
The system coordinator will notify the Board of Education and the LEA of the pending recommendation and the public review process will begin. Materials will be placed on display at the County Office for review by interested parties between the Board meeting when the recommendation is made and the meeting for approval vote.

At the board meeting following public review, the recommendation and request for vote to adopt the materials will be made to the Board of Education.

Following adoption of the materials the system coordinator will provide ordering information to the schools. Purchases will be made by the schools following allotment and purchasing guidelines provided by the LEA.