Professional Learning

Click here to view the 2023-2024 CCPS Professional Learning Catalog

The Professional Learning program of CCPS is aligned with the mission, vision, and goals, action steps and strategies of the district's strategic plan, the national goals of Learning Forward Its goal is to provide ongoing professional learning opportunities which enable teachers, administrators, and other system employees to acquire and implement the knowledge, skills, and commitment necessary to create high levels of learning for all students.

The PL program is focused on...

Strengthening teachers and administrators knowledge of the content and skills necessary for meeting the needs of students

Training teachers in the use of standards and research-based instructional and assessment strategies to actively engage students in the learning process

Supporting the use data to inform instructional decisions and to improve students' learning outcomes

Building capacity for changing practice through the use of a research-based design which includes the study of theory, demonstration, modeling, practice and feedback, and coaching

Creating a culture for collaboration and continuous improvement to implement and monitor processes designed to improve student achievement

For more information, contact Dr. Melissa Butler, Asst. Superintendent, [email protected]