Welcome to the CCPS Student Services page!
The district Title IX Coordinator information is as follows:
Student Services Director (Mr. Vince Phillips)
1 (706) 935-0641
[email protected]
PO Box 130
307 Cleveland Street
Ringgold GA, 30736
Additional information regarding Board Policy BCAEA: Hearings (Appeals) may be found by
clicking here.
Additional Title IX information from the Georgia Department of Education may be located by clicking here.
Students Service Programs are as follows:
McKinney Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth (Title IX, Part A) - Dr. Melissa Holcombe, Homeless Liaison
Federal Program that provides support to students experiencing homelessness, defined as lacking a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. The primary purpose is to ensure educational stability to promote academic success. Support includes facilitating immediate enrollment, registration for free school meals, and transportation to the school of origin when feasible. Additional assistance with tutoring, expedited evaluations, obtaining records, field trip fees, before and after school care, clothing, and other needs are also available.
Catoosa Attendance Review Team - meets one or two times per month - referrals from school attendance office. This collaborative is to review attendance issues with the school administration and parents of students with excessive absences to come up with a plan and a signed contract to improve poor attendance and tardies.
Members of the Review Team: School Social Workers, Lookout Mountain Community Service, Juvenile Justice, School Nurse Manager, Communities In Schools, DFCS, and Director of Student Services.
Hospital Homebound Instruction
The Catoosa County BOE recognizes its responsibility to provide instruction to those students enrolled in an education program who have a medically-diagnosed condition that restricts them to a hospital or their home for a period of time that will significantly interfere with their education. Requirements are for the student needing service to present a medical referral form, with a statement from the doctor, that states the student has a chronic health condition causing him/her to be absent and expected time to be absent. The school administrator will approve the referral and submit to the Director of Student Services for approval. If approved the Hospital Homebound teacher will work with the student's teacher to provide service to those students to enable them to keep up with their regular classroom assignments.
Children's Fund
The Fund will provide qualified Catoosa County School children and families with short-term needs such as food, clothing, shelter, dental and medical care, educational related supplies or fees, or short-term emergency needs in an effort to develop their physical, mental, and emotional health and welfare. The School Social Workers will investigate referrals for assistance. No fees are required for assistance. By filling these short-term needs, it is the hope of the Board of Directors that the assistance will keep those children in school.
The goal is to achieve the purpose of the Catoosa County Children's Fund by soliciting contributions in various ways such as from local businesses, fund-raising drives in the schools, individual donations from letters sent annually, or from local churches.
Board of Directors is made up of one representative from each chartered civic group who chooses to participate in the fund; the county school superintendent; county director of student services; representatives of community agencies; and representatives of supporting businesses if they choose to belong.
Tribunal Hearings
The Disciplinary Tribunal shall be given authority by the Catoosa County Board of Education to implement discipline policies for any offense concerning any breach of the Code of Conduct outlined in Discipline Policies and Procedures adopted by the Catoosa County Board of Education. The Tribunal hears evidence presented by the school system, the student, and parents when the local school refers the student. The Tribunal has the authority to make decisions ranging from returning the student to the school or recommending permanent expulsion of the student. This Tribunal shall have a minimum membership of a hearing officer and two administrators. The hearing officer shall be the Director of Student Services or other appointee of the Superintendent. The Tribunal shall be appointed by and called, at the pleasure of the hearing officer.
Gateway Program - Director of Student Services works closely with directors of this program in placement and capacity of students in the program.
Juvenile Court - Held twice monthly - Director of Student Services attends court for students involved in incidents from the school system taking all school records (attendance, discipline, grades and any tribunal files) for review by the judge if needed. Also works with Juvenile Justice Probation Officers.
Parent Concerns - Mediator with parents/students and schools when necessary.
Responsible for Student Handbook updates and publication each year - Code of Conduct.