Safety and Security Projects Included (Every School):
Sielox CLASS Emergency Notification and Response Solution: The Sielox CLASS (Crisis Lockdown Alert Status System) is an award-winning Emergency Notification and Response Solution that dramatically improves communication with administrators and law enforcement in the event of an emergency. In an emergency, a teacher can silently dispatch 911 from their cell phone or computer, and emergency responders have access to video cameras inside the school in real-time.
Additional Security Cameras: To increase security with the SIELOX system, new surveillance cameras were installed in all schools. In a crisis situation, cameras are strategically placed so teachers can see the hallway outside their classroom from their computer in the event of an emergency.
Front Door Access Systems: To control visitor access, doors to Catoosa County Schools are locked. With the new front door access system, any visitor to the school must provide identification and prove relationship with a student or appointment with staff to access the building.
Updated Elementary School Playground Equipment: With the system’s need for new schools, classrooms, safety/security, technology, and facility equitability, providing playground equipment was a PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) fundraiser. To ensure equitability and safety, new elementary school playground equipment was included in the ESPLOST V referendum.
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs): To enhance safety for employees, students, and visitors, AEDs were installed in all schools and athletic facilities. Access to an AED in our transportation department saved an employee’s life.
New Buses: Catoosa County Public Schools maintains a bus replacement cycle to ensure transportation safety. The system owns 136 buses, and ESPLOST revenues enable the system to purchase new buses.
Technology to Prepare Students in the 21st Century - Let’s Get CONNECTed! (Every School):
One-to-One Technology: In 2015, the Board of Education determined that every student needed a personal computing device and daily integration of technology in instruction to become technology literate in the 21st century. Chromebooks were purchased in grades 3 - 12, and iPads were purchased for PreK-2. Digital Classroom Platforms were purchased to improve instruction and the Wi-Fi Infrastructure was enhanced across the district to provide quick Internet access. The one-to-one initiative was a success to improve academic achievement, and with three years experience in the digital format, the district was able to quickly transition to full digital instruction when schools had to close for the COVID-19 Pandemic in March 2020.
Facility Equitability Projects Included:
Graysville Elementary School-The original part of Graysville Elementary was built in 1950, so this part of the school was the oldest in the county. New first grade “pod” classrooms, a popular design of the time that didn’t have walls or doors, were added in the 1970s. These classrooms were not conducive to learning, and were not particularly safe. The oldest section of the school was removed, a new addition was built, and the 4th and 5th grade hallway was completely renovated. The new Graysville Elementary School is more conducive to 21st century learning, and the entrance and bus area is much safer for students and parents.
Ringgold Middle School - Softball and Baseball Complex: RMS was the only secondary school in the system that didn’t have their own baseball/softball fields and facilities. Students in these sports had to travel to practice and play games. ESPLOST V included new baseball and softball complexes for RMS including fields, bleachers, locker rooms, a hitting facility, concessions and restrooms, so students could practice and host home games.
Lakeview Middle School and Heritage Middle School Softball and Baseball Complexes: With the new fields and facilities at RMS, the Board of Education determined that LMS and HMS were not equitable. Facility Equitability projects at these schools included new press boxes, concessions, restrooms, locker rooms, and hitting facilities.
LFO High School - Phase II: Phase I of LFO’s revitalization began in ESPLOST IV, and Phase II was completed in ESPLOST V. To finish the project, LFO received new home and visitor bleachers, press box, and track; as well as a new sign on 2A.
Lakeview Middle School: To revitalize LMS, and to improve security, the main office was renovated, and the breezeway that connected classrooms with the gymnasium was enclosed. Other revitalizations included new bleachers in the gymnasium, and stairwells were updated with new tile and paint.