NOTE: Starting in Janurary 2018, the current Catoosa Root Cert (v2) will be retired. V3 of the root cert must be used starting on that day. Please install both certificates if you reach this page before Janurary 2018.
These are step-by-step instructions for installing the CCPS Root Certificate into Microsoft Internet Explorer.
1. Click on the certificate file below:
catoosa_ca_v3.der (Version 3 that will be required starting Janurary 2018)
2. In the File Download dialog box, click "Open".
3. On Windows 7 machines, you may see the following warning. Click allow.
4. Click on "Install Certificate"
5. In the Certificate Import Wizard, click "Next"
6. Choose the option "Place all certificates in the follwoing store" then click "Browse".
7. Select the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" then click "OK".
8. Click "Next".
9. Click "Finish"
10. Click "Yes" to install the certificate.
11. Click OK to acknowledge the certificate import.
12. Restart Internet Explorer to ensure the completion of the certificate import.