After School Programs

After School Programs

The After School Program is a voluntary, self-sustaining program that provides care for students after school hours. The safe and caring environment is intended to meet the needs of students who would otherwise be home alone after school. Although it is not a basic element of the general educational program, it provides an opportunity for students to do homework, study, and engage in after school activities with other children.

Due to the fact that no particular supervision would necessarily be provided by certificated personnel, this program may not be appropriate for all students.

The program runs during the school year from dismissal of school to 6:00 p.m. exclusive of holidays, days in which students are not in attendance, and emergency days school is dismissed including inclement weather.

The After School Program may close at other times due to threatening weather conditions or other conditions making attendance unsafe. In that case, public announcements will be made that parents should pick up their children at school dismissal time. Please listen to local stations for those announcements. Questions should be referred to Kellie Taylor, Elementary School Improvement Specialist at 706-965-6067 or email at or you may contact the individual school.

Schools with After School Programs

Battlefield Primary
Boynton Elementary
Cloud Springs Elementary
Graysville Elementary
Ringgold Elementary
Ringgold Primary
Woodstation Elementary