CCPS Tech Competition

Here you will find information about the technology competition including category descriptions, rubrics, timelines, and registration information. Additionally, you will find some useful tips to help students create winning projects! Please use the navigation tabs below to navigate through the different project categories.

The Georgia Student Technology Competition (GaSTC) is an annual student competition that gives students the opportunity to showcase their innovative use of technology in daily learning. The competition is open to all students in grades 3-12 that reside in Georgia.

All first place winners of the Catoosa County Technology Competition will advance to the Northwest Georgia Regional Technology Competition. Winners of that competition will advance to the state level Georgia Student Technology Competition (GaSTC). The Georgia Student Technology Competition (GaSTC) is an annual student technology competition sponsored by the Georgia Educational Technology Consortium. The GaSTC includes over 750 projects representing the work of more than 1,000 students.


3D Modeling
Audio Production
Device Modification
Digital Game Design
Digital Photo Production
Graphic Design
Internet Applications
Mobile Apps
Multimedia Applications
Productivity Design
Programming Challenge
Project Programming
Video Production
All projects submitted must be designed and created by students. While some adult guidance is allowed, it must be evident that all work entered by students was completed by students. Students that are unable to present their projects for whatever reason, (including illness), may NOT use "proxies." Only students that are part of the original registered team may represent a project at the competition. Projects for each category must be unique and CANNOT be entered in more than one category. Students are able to participate in a maximum of 1 project, with the exception of the Technology Literacy Challenge. Students are NOT allowed to switch project categories. Projects will only be judged in the category in which it placed first in at the regional competition.

Projects for each category must be unique and cannot be entered in more than one category. A student can only participate in a maximum of one project, excluding the Programming Challenge. Projects may consist of an individual student or a team of two students.

Projects are to be designed and created by students. Some adult guidance is allowed, but it must be clear that all work entered by students was done by the students.

Students MUST document any work they did not create. In many cases, they will also need to receive permission and show documentation. See this video for more information.